Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Day 21

Woke up in Kansas. Strange waking up in the same place I went to sleep in. We are going to stay here most of today, I think. Bigfoot is finally sleeping. He drove over 1000 miles yesterday. He is pooped. I am going to let him sleep as long as possible. I still feel like dog doo, so I am going to go take a shower while he sleeps. Maybe the hot water will make me feel better.
I did take an awesome shower. Super nice and clean and spacious. When I got back to the truck, Bigfoot was awake. He played on the computer for a while and I laid in the bed, still feeling horrible. We went into the truck stop and ate Wendy’s. Came back to the truck and did more of the same, Bigfoot played on the computer and I laid in the bed, feeling like crap.
It is now almost 9:00 p.m. mountain time and we are headed through Kansas toward Kansas City for an appointment in the morning. Still no new load information so we still don’t know where we go after that.
I did not take one single picture of anything today. Nothing to see at the truck stop in Kansas and now it is dark. Maybe tomorrow will bring something photo-worthy.


Unknown said...

Just wanted you to know I read your blog today! Hope tomorrow will be a better day, Scarlett....

One more day with Ori -- Boo hoo!

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