Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 8

It finally happened. I got behind blogging and now I can't remember squat. We left the Central terminal in the morning, headed toward Wisconsin, through Utah, Wyoming, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, and then to Sturtevant Wisconsin. Today, we covered Utah, Wyoming, and into Nebraska.
On our very first trip out, we saw a caution sign warning about the risk of a big truck tipping over sideways. We laughed and decided if that happened to a driver, he would have TWO accidents........the one with the truck and the one in his pants. So we termed the sign the Turd in Pants sign. Every time we see one, one of us will say, "Uh oh, Turd in Pants!" We think we are very funny!

Somewhere in Utah.

Somewhere in Utah.

Somewhere in Utah.

Somewhere in Utah.

Somewhere in Utah.

Somewhere in Utah.

The clouds obscure the top of the mountains above these homes.

Parley's Canyon Utah, I think?

Uh oh, Turd in Pants.

Next, Wyoming. Just miles of beautiful scenery. Bigfoot keeps saying it gets boring after a while, but I have yet to be bored with one inch of this part of the country. But, Nebraska is next so I think I better enjoy it while I can.

Somewhere in Wyoming.

Somewhere in Wyoming-another postcard view!

Somewhere in Wyoming.

Somewhere in Wyoming.

Somewhere in Wyoming.

These are everywhere out here, prong horn I think they are called.

Somewhere in Wyoming.

Somewhere in Wyoming.

Somewhere in Wyoming.

Somewhere in Wyoming. See the windmills?
We got into Ogallala Nebraska to spend the night. We decided to splurge and eat in the truck stop. I had a patty melt, which was good, and soup. My soup choices were Beef Rice and Cheese Normandy, aka Broccoli Cheese. I decided Beef Rice sounded good, so I helped myself to the self serve soup bar. The Beef Rice "soup" was the consistency of mashed potatoes in the bottom of the vat. I passed on that and went for the cheese soup, which was slightly more soup-like and somewhat tasty. Bigfoot got his old standby, ham and cheese omelet. It came out and looked like something I will refrain from stating. It was thin, pale, and transparent, with the filling visible through the egg film. It was slightly less than appetizing, but he said it was okay tasting. Ahhh, date night on the open road!
We head out in the morning, still heading for Wisconsin.


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