Monday, June 29, 2009

Day 19

Woke up in Kentucky and went to the bathroom and then back to bed. Woke back up a little farther down the road in Illinois or Indiana and then went back to bed. Then got back up and we came into Missouri. We stopped outside of St. Louis at a very nice Flying J (my favorite) and parked. It is an absolutely gorgeous day, bright, sunny, and slightly COOL. Sparkle and I walked a bit while Bigfoot slept and it was so nice, I sat on the curb in the sunshine for a while and enjoyed the outdoors.
I fooled around with my foot pedal for a while today and actually got it to work for a little while. I got four jobs done. Just enough to be frustrating. I will be SOOO glad to get back to work. I never thought I would say that. Other than that, same stuff, different day……computer, phone, dog walking, sitting, napping.
I did meet a lady in a truck stop earlier this morning. We were swapping bad hair woes in the bathroom (mine is a big red tumbleweed!). She is 67 and said that she was doing her “Bucket List”. Her nephew is a truck driver and she wanted to experience trucking as one of the things on her list. She was from North Carolina and they had been out three weeks. She was also having a ball and enjoying her trucking experience and seeing the country. They were headed to Kansas.
While we were parked, there was a truck across from us and there was a little miniature pinscher just like Electra and MiniMe. It was so cute and acted just like they do. It was all up on the dash running back and forth, barking at me and Sparkle. Made me miss my little girls.
For supper, I made chicken flavored rice in my little pot and added some canned chicken to it. It was very good, surprisingly.
We left the truck stop and went right through downtown St. Louis. Because it was nighttime, I could not get good pictures of the arch. It was an absolutely lovely night and we rode for a while with the windows down. It was very cool and nice. Of course, I am going to sleep now and we will see where we are when I wake up!!!

Look very closely into the windshield.....see the little Min Pin?

Dinner is served! Chicken and Rice.

The best I could with the St. Louis Arch at night and from a moving truck!

Where are we now? (She's standing on the fridge, looking over the back of my seat!)


Unknown said...

Great pictures,and fun stuff to read. FINALLY, there is peace and quiet here. BOTH the "babies" are asleep. I promised Lakin I would sleep with her again tonight, but I lied. I am going to sneak into the spare bedrm asap! Sparky is so funny looking over the back seat. I am glad you are seeing all of this wonderful country, but I sure will be glad when you are out of that truck and doing normal stuff! I love you and miss you.

BB's grandson will be born tomorrow, she is a nervous wreck!

Unknown said...

Scooting on down the road arn't ya girlie =). The picture of Sparkle is too cute. The arch was has "effect". lol. Hope you like the new pic I posted for ya, that is baby Pistol Pete telling me a secret. I would tell ya...but I would have to kill ya.

Rockin while Rollin

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