Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Day 14

The two week mark came and went without anything of interest. We sat at a Love's truck stop in Pennsylvania for our 10 hour break. It was awful. There were trucks everywhere, coming and going, trying to park, trying to get fuel, trying to could see them yelling in their trucks as they went by. It was a nightmare. Thankfully, we got a parking spot early and with ease and were able to sit and watch the mayhem ensue. They all looked like ants on an ant hill. We just napped and watched and played on the computer. We walked across the street to a Stuckey's. Bigfoot has never been to a Stuckey's. He did not even know what they were. Unfortunately, it was being remodeled by a non-English speaking dude with a towel on his head. What is the world coming to when an American institution like Stuckey's is being run/owned/managed by a non-American. Jeez! Anyway, it was closed so Bigfoot did not get to experience Stuckey's or a pecan log. Maybe another time. While we were walking, I saw a girl with a Weimaraner that looked so much like Belle, I had to go over and see her. She had the same body shape as Belle and the little short nub tail. She was very pretty and sweet and her name was Annabelle. She was 3 years old. Sure did make me miss my Noogs.
There was a big empty field behind our parking spot so we took Sparkle back there and let her off the leash. She ran and ran and ran and played and jumped. She was very funny. She has had an upset tummy all day and I am just waiting for her to have an "accident" in the truck. That will be BBBBAAAADDDD!!!!!
Pennsylvania is pretty and the weather is mild and nice. We did get to pick up our load 20 hours earlier than our appointment time, which will mean we can delivery early, and hopefully get another load. Miles, miles, miles...........the name of the game. Unfortunately, we have to go back to Champaign Illinois, which is where we just left, so right back the same way we came. I am ready for something, somewhere different.
Til tomorrow................





Sparkle peeking out from under the top bunk.


Unknown said...

You've already been more places in the past two weeks that I've been, in my entire life!!! Uncle Ed and Ernestine are on their way to Cody, WY -- they were going to drive thru Yellowstone and then on to Nicole's (spelling?). They are having a wonderful time. They will be in Cody, WY for several weeks, so if you are that area -- that might be a rendezvous point?

Rockin while Rollin

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