Friday, July 10, 2009

Day 29 and 30

It happened again. I got behind blogging and now can’t remember anything. I know we made it to Chicago for our delivery and we stayed at a really old TA one night. We ate inside a real restaurant. It was nice. They had a collection of antique toys. We picked up another load outside of Chicago going to the Conley terminal in Atlanta and then HOME!!! We stopped in Nashville in the wee morning hours of Friday morning.

Bigfoot’s hand is still very swollen and painful. He has a hard time turning sharp to back in to park. My work is going great and I am able to get a lot done. Surprisingly, I can even work while we are moving, as long as the road is not too rough. I am so glad to get back to something productive. I have enjoyed being off after working seven days a week for SO long, but being broke sucks and being ultra-broke is really for the birds. Nothing much exciting has happened in the last two days, so no good stories or pictures.


Rockin while Rollin

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