Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 16

Bigfoot made our delivery in Eau Claire while I was sleeping and we headed back to the same Flying J where we have been staying in Black River Falls. It is raining today, so we won’t have the same nice experience there that we had yesterday. We ate pizza for breakfast and sat in the truck. I worked and read and Bigfoot played games. It stopped raining in the early afternoon so we walked over to the Deer Creek gift shop and wandered around. It was very cute with LOTS to look at. We went back to the truck and I worked until bedtime.

We got another load and I am very excited about it. We finally get to go in a different direction. We pick up in New London Wisconsin and deliver in Tolleson Arizona. It’s about time!!! I went to sleep and Bigfoot headed us toward our pick up location. Hopefully tomorrow will bring something interesting to look at.


Unknown said...

I am enjoying our trip together!I was not sure where I wanted to leave a comment, so I just selected here.I have enjoyed all the pics,that sky was awesome!We loved Wis.We were way up in the northern most part past Madison up at Egg Harbor,etc.It was beautiful and so pleasant.We had tornado's at the Wolfchase area late yesterday,I know you heard.we did not have much bad weather,but had meemaw here ready to scoot into the storm room,we were once again cooking meatloaf!The dish that stirs up bad weather,I you!!!!!

Unknown said...

I was very disappointed that you slept thru Eau Claire -- that is such a pretty name, I was anxious to hear your description of it. Probably would've been like Belle Fountaine, MS -- beautiful name, nothing to it!!! Plus, I wanted it to be pronounced like it looked, and was sharply criticized for MY ignorance. "Bell Fountain" was "correct".... oh well -- I will be anxious to hear what you think of Arizona.

I bet you are excited and happy to see a comment from Aunt Bet! I also bet she didn't know I could read it, too!!! tee hee

Unknown said...

You will enjoy going through Arizona!! Hope it is daylight when you go through there! looking forward to your next installment!

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