Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Days 26, 27, and 28

I did it again! Three days with no blogging. But it should be easier this time, as nothing of interest has occurred in the last three days. Very surprising, as I really thought I would see something good in Florida.

I remember waking up in Georgia, near Florida on Sunday morning and it was hotter than blue blazes. I had a lot of work so I hauled all my work garb into the truck stop and set up camp in the truckers telephone lounge. Very nice. It was hot, uncomfortable, and cramped, but I managed to work for about two and a half hours before it was time to leave. We drove and drove. We stopped in Ft. Pierce Florida and decided to stay in a motel so I could work some more. We stopped at a Motel 6 because it was cheap and had truck parking. Well, I will just say it was an experience, and not the good kind. We made it through the night and at check out, I complained about the situation and was granted a gift certificate for a free night stay anywhere in the country. HMMM, could come in handy! Off we went. We made it to our delivery at Publix in Deerfield Beach and headed back toward Orlando for another pick up there going to Covington Georgia, just outside Atlanta. We decided to go ahead and use our free night stay. We stopped about one hour shy of Orlando and had a much better situation, as far as the room anyway. We slept good but had to get up early. Twice I have been through Orlando in the past couple of days, two different routes, and I have yet to get so much as a glimpse of Disney World. I am not sure it exists.

We picked up glass of all things in Orlando and headed for Georgia. We made it to Covington about midnight tonight, Tuesday. We will sleep here in the parking lot until our 7:00 a.m. delivery and then head HOME about 10:00 a.m. or so. I am so ready to be at home. Again, not because I am miserable. I really enjoy this traveling, but when home time is so close, I get really excited for it. I am staying home this next trip. I have a lot of things to do at home and I am ready to stretch my legs and sprawl out in my own BIG bed for a change. Me (not petite), Bigfoot (less petite), and Sparkle (slightly smaller) trying to sleep in a twin bed gets a little too cozy! I am sure Sparkle will appreciate some home time, too.

I took no pictures, if you can believe it. We saw absolutely nothing of interest the entire trip to Florida. No ocean, no alligators, no Disney, no pretty flowers, no oranges in the groves. Just boring interstate. A big let down.

And I had another big let down yesterday. When I learned of our trip to Florida, I looked up where my cousin Steve and his family live near St. Petersburg to see if we were going to be passing close by. Nope. Then, I talked to him yesterday only to find out that not only does he NOT live in St. Petersburg, he lives in Ft. Pierce, which is exactly where we spent that first night. We were right in the same town and I did not know it. We could have visited with him and Rachel and Evan while we were in town. I am SO enormously disappointed. Someday, I will learn to listen to my momma. She told me to make sure I was right about where they lived and I did not do it because I KNEW I was right. Sigh!

I will blog about Wednesday, and then maybe during home time, if I do anything blog-worthy. I hope I don't lose any "passengers" while I am home. I will send an email about when I am leaving out again so you can ride along again on the next big adventure!


Unknown said...

Yay! I blog note!!! I am guessing you might about home by now, if all went well with the drop.

I told Julie Childress (my former across the street neighbor on Crystal Brook) to read your blog. She took the address down, so you may get a comment from her.

This last note was interesting, even without pics. I'll email Buddy so he can read up and the quit looking for blogs from you until "further notice"!

Gotta get to work.

Unknown said...

Dang it -- I see the first sentence of my comment has an error -- makes me so mad when I don't proofread before I "send" ...
maybe you will know what I meant to say!

Jackie Blue said...

It's been a nice ride ..I enjoyed your journey. I laughed at your air conditioning problem because I remember riding with my husband when the HEAT went out and it was 10 below was bad , very bad. I prayed I wouldn't lose me toes before we got home! I wish they would have had computers and blogs back in the days I rode with Bruce I should have even kept a journal...oh well. Enjoy your home time....can you tell me what kind of dog Sparkles is? I used to have a Australian Cattle Dog that looked like her? Anyway, thanks for the beautiful pics and the laughs..please fell free to email me when you head back out ...ot I will keep a check now and then wishes.


Unknown said...

Hey,big blogger.I hear you are home.I will miss the tripping, too.Sorry the hookup with the family did not happen,too bad.YOU DID NOT LISTEN TO YO MOMMA???? Gee Just kidding.We have made pizza sauce today from the garden tomatoes.Always something cookin round here.Welcome home.Disney World is hard to find from the 'outside'.It is indeed its own 'world'.Like you have to get on the monorail to travel from the real world to the interior fantasy world.Very interesting concept.Love you

Unknown said...

Now it's been more than 3 days... what's been going on???

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